SPO600 Lab1

 Lab 1 for SPO600:

I have picked node.js and openSSL, the reason I have picked both of these is that I have had the chance to work with Node in the past and found openSSL to be kind of cool never learned about it till I researched it.

1.) Node.js is an open software package that uses permissive MIT license for the main library. More information can be found here \https://snyk.io/learn/node-js-licensing-and-security-risks/.

Node.js accepts contributions from developers by using Github, here developers can add patches to the software. This link will redirect to the Github page https://github.com/nodejs/node.

There is a total 3,131 contributors to this software, a user by the name mhdawson  seems to be the lead of the project and others can post and patch as well. There is a link here https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#pull-requests that will allow you to apply to become a contributor to the project.

    One of the code patches that I found was by as user named evenLucas who was the author of the patch and also of RafaelGS who committed the patch. The patch is an update to a single file with two changes, two being additions and two being deletions. The patch is fix startup benchmark and looks like the user changed from moduleCategories to builtinCategories. There is no comments on the code so i believe it was just reviewed and after approval was committed by the RafaelGS user. 

link to patch: https://github.com/nodejs/node/commit/f497368679

As for what changes I would have made, I would need to understand a bit more of what the two functions the user changed, from what I did research it seems that the person was trying to change from a native to a built in, which I think would improve speed.


2.) OpenSSL is a toolkit for cryptography and secure communication, it is written in primarily c programming and is open source for the SSL and TLS protocols. Its lisencing is derived form the Apache License v2. This software uses git to push and pull updates and bug patches. To learn more about the license follow this linkhttps://www.openssl.org/source/license.html

The developers use github in order to push and pull and commit patches. There is 705 total contributors involved in github. https://github.com/openssl/openssl

I found a patch that shows a user grahmwoodward posted and had 4 other users revie it and check on it before it was allowed to be merged and committed. This is a small piece of code but is a great sample to see how they are patching code in regards to cryptography, a lot of the patches where quit large. In this code the user shows a change that fix's the missing null check. The user made a change so if the the strchr returns null then don't add one. This to me looks like the user was getting some errors regarding a bug and was able to debug the results to find the bug.

There where no comments on this code patch but by the looks of it, a few people made some reviews so I am guessing it took a few days to review then be given the go ahead for the push and commit.

Some thing I would had to learn to make my own patch is to learn the way that this program is working as I have never worked with cryptography before or security, as far as this patch goes those it seems straight forward as the user got rid of the +1 at the end of the msg = strchr and now the if statement will check to see if the msg is not null and then increment msg after. It seems the advantage to this approach is that in wont be giving errors to any one using this file in the code. This code could have been giving false results or causing warnings, and changing it to check for the null value first is a much better approach in my mind.

link to patch https://github.com/openssl/openssl/commit/b85d53c1670e47273827bba508daff310c3263ab


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